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Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout ultrapassa dois milhões de unidades no Steam

De acordo com a Mediatonic e a Devolver Digital, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout ultrapassou a marca de dois milhões de unidades vendidas no Steam. O game lançado há quase uma semana, em 04 de agosto chegou ao PC pela plataforma juntamente com a chegada ao PlayStation 4. Confira o que disse Paul Croft, cofundador e diretor da Mediatonic: “Tem sido impressionante e inacreditável assistir ao…

Google Pixel 4a : date de sortie, prix, caractéristiques, actualités et rumeurs

Accueil Actualités Le Google Pixel 3a XL de 2019 (Crédit photo: Future) Nous avons de très grandes…

Test d'Apple Arcade

Veredicto de Notre Apple Arcade é um novo serviço de la marque à la pomme, consacré au jeu vidéo. Il tente de…

PS5 Reveal Event in 5 Minutes

13,6 mi Quer assistir de novo mais tarde? Faça login para adicionar este vídeo a uma playlist. …
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Sony pede desculpas pela confusão nas encomendas do PS5, promete mais estoque nos 'próximos dias'

A Sony pediu desculpas pelas pré-vendas do PS5 serem um pouco complicadas. “Sejamos honestos: as encomendas do PS5 poderiam ter sido muito mais fáceis”, disse a Sony da conta oficial do PlayStation no Twitter. “Nós realmente pedimos desculpas por isso.” Os pré-pedidos do novo console PS5 começaram na quarta-feira , um dia antes do que…

Online Dating in the Modern Era

The world of online dating has revolutionized the way people connect and find love. With the advent of technology, individuals no longer need to rely solely on traditional methods of meeting potential partners. Benefits of Online Dating Convenience: Users can access…
Firmware Downloads

Oppo A5S Mini Stock ROM Firmware Flash File

However, the Stock ROM don’t offer many customizations or features for the device. Oppo Stock ROM is the official Operating System (OS) of your Oppo Device. Oppo A57 CPH1701 Flash File is mainly used to fix the problems like being stuck at boot logo, hanging on the logo…
Stock ROMs

Download Stock ROM For Android Devices

These tools allow developers to create their custom ROMs, as well as ability to modify existing ROMs and add new features. Another feature of the latest Xiaomi stock ROMs is their ability to customize the user interface. Xiaomi’s ROMs are designed to be highly…

Export inkpad notepad notes

In the export registry file window, first select Desktop, after that enter the file name. (You can type anything.) Make sure in Export Range “All” is selected. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed…

Open Pages Format File in Windows and Microsoft Word

To use this feature, press control and click on the different places that you want to edit. This feature can be used efficiently when you have a very large number of identical changes to make but you don’t want every occurrence to be changed. Let’s say I have a class…

Top Ways to Recover Unsaved Deleted Notepad File Quickly

Specifying the value of ‘RepeatedNodeRule’ as ‘addcol’ does not create a separate variable in the table for the repeated node. ‘ignore’Ignore the extra columns of data.’wrap’Wrap the extra columns of data to new records. This…

How to install a Notepad++ plugin offline?

Usually, they use a monospaced system font, and while it may work fine for some, others report eye strain or poor readability. Plenty of these fonts are free, so it can’t hurt to try. Here are the best programming fonts to reduce eye strain and enhance readability, both…
Update Windows Driver

Understanding the Windows I O System

The end result of the enumeration or reenumeration process is a collection of PDOs. Most device drivers , would have a special compiler toolchain which can use C code but has no linkage to the normal standard C’s runtime libraries. If you fallow this site it will…

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The Sims 4 recebe atualização trazendo mais de 100 tons de pele.

The Sims 4 trouxe uma nova atualização com muitas novidades, incluindo mais de 100 tons de pele, personalização dos tons de pele, maquiagens e três penteados. De acordo com as informações, agora é possível calibrar cada tom de pele com um controle deslizante. Os controles também oferecem opções de personalização das maquiagens como tom, saturação, valor ou brilho e opacidade. Além…